You Dreamed of Natural, Easy Breastfeeding… Here’s How to Get Back on Track.
You imagined holding your baby for the first time, skin to skin, in that golden hour you read so much about. You pictured your baby latching effortlessly, and the two of you settling into this beautiful, natural rhythm…
Instead, you’ve got so much they never told you about how hard this really is.
On top of sleepless nights, you’re second-guessing everything. It’s not what you expected, and it feels like no one prepared you for this.
So breastfeeding didn’t start as planned, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful.
I get it — You love your baby fiercely but you’re overwhelmed and disappointed that breastfeeding hasn’t been the natural, magical experience you imagined.
If you:
Were excited to breastfeed but feel blindsided by the challenges.
Are frustrated and endlessly Googling for answers.
Feel like no one prepared you for how hard this would be—or how much you’d change.
Want to breastfeed but are afraid you can’t keep going this way.
You’re exactly who Beyond the Latch was created for.
Why you need to join the BTL Academy
You might be blindsided by how hard it is, but you need to know it doesn’t have to be. You will learn everything you wish you knew so you can relax and enjoy this rather than struggle through it.
This is a course + community that will help you thrive through breastfeeding.
Hi! I’m Brittany, Certified Lactation Counselor and I can help.
I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve felt the overwhelm, the sleeplessness, the worry, and the endless Googling. But I also know it doesn’t have to totally suck.
With over 10 years of experience in supporting moms, I’ve helped hundreds of women navigate the ups and downs of breastfeeding. My approach is practical, compassionate, and rooted in real-life solutions—because I believe that every mom deserves to feel confident and capable.
Whether you’re struggling with latch issues, milk supply, or just trying to survive the newborn phase, I’ve got you covered. Here are some of the most common challenges I can help you tackle:
Painful or shallow latch
Low milk supply or oversupply challenges
Sleepy babies who struggle to complete feeds
Slow weight gain
Using a nipple shield and weaning
Engorgement and/or mastitis
Pumping and going back to work
Balancing breastfeeding and self-care
Managing hormones and postpartum emotions
Understanding hunger cues and feeding patterns
Preparing for breastfeeding after birth interventions
Together, we’ll navigate these challenges and build a breastfeeding experience that works for you and your baby.
Most breastfeeding programs focus on the technical stuff—latch, supply, repeat. But let’s be honest: breastfeeding is as much about your heart and head as it is about your boobs.
This program goes deeper. Join me and let’s get you and baby on track.
Feed your baby with confidence, knowing you’re doing it right.
Navigate postpartum emotions without the worry or overwhelm.
Feel connected to a community that gets it (and you).
Build a breastfeeding relationship that works for you AND your baby.
Imagine how it would feel to…
Here’s what you get when you join…
1. Weekly Q+A Support with Brittany Messuti, CLC , LC
No more guessing or second-guessing. Get real answers in real time.
Ask your questions without feeling judged.
Get instant breastfeeding help
Learn from other moms’ experiences—you’re not in this alone.
2. Course Tutorials and Guides
Video tutorials to guide you through tricky moments and most asked questions
Printable feeding logs and checklists to track progress (goodbye, mom brain).
ALL of my guides on overcoming the most common challenges in breastfeeding (over 100 pages of evidence-informed help!)
Postpartum nutrition guide for energy, recovery, and milk supply.
Access to a private, supportive community where every win is celebrated and every question is answered.
4. Community Access
Join a private, supportive community where every win is celebrated and every question is answered.