Schedule your breastfeeding rescue today.
Convenient, personalized breastfeeding support from the comfort of your home. Whether you're preparing during pregnancy or navigating challenges postpartum, you'll receive expert guidance tailored to your needs.
*Insurance reimbursable — A superbill will be provided
How I can Help:
Fixing latch issues
Making a hard decision or needing a second opinion/perspective on a recent feeding plan
Using nipple shields & weaning
Managing milk supply—whether it’s too much or too little.
Navigating cluster feeding
Sleepy feeds
Relieving engorgement, clogged ducts, or mastitis.
Building confidence that your baby is getting enough milk.
Finding comfortable nursing positions (even after a C-section).
Starting pumping
Balancing breastfeeding with supplementation
Knowing what is normal and what to expect
Easing anxiety and overwhelm during the early weeks.